Tuesday 18 January 2022

15:30 – 17:00

We are delighted to invite our buyer members to our upcoming Destination Update and Virtual Fam Trip hosted by the Argyll & The Isles Tourism Cooperative.

Join us for a virtual extravaganza showcasing Argyll’s incredible foodie, adventure and green experiences which can readily form the basis of a bespoke tour package with you.

Argyll and the Isles is situated immediately to the west of the City of Glasgow with over 3750 km of coastline, 1555km of hiking, biking and kayaking trails, 60 mediaeval castles, 24 whisky and gin distilleries, 23 inhabited islands and 4 national nature reserves.

It’s easy to say they have something for everyone – they do but they also have immense scope to tailor something very unique and personal to meet individual needs and interests. Covid19 has had devastating impacts but has also been the stimulus for many businesses to innovate and offer brand new experiences allowing visitors to get to the heart of what the destination is really all about and engage with locals at the coalface.

Join us on the 18th of January at 15:30 and let us spirit you away to the stunning west coast of Scotland.

An invitation was sent to buyer members, if you haven’t received it and would like to register for this event, please contact the team: [email protected].

Please note that this event is for BUYER MEMBERS ONLY and restricted to ONE representative per member company. There are limited places available for this event which will be allocated on a first-come, first served basis. 

Please note, bookings for this event will remain open until 17:00 on Friday 7 January or once all places have been filled. 


With thanks to: