Attractions Roundtable


UKinbound would like to invite our attraction members to a virtual roundtable on Wednesday 21 October. Attendees will discuss the main challenges and issues facing this sector of the inbound industry, share best practice ideas and what solutions might be put in place to ensure its longevity.

Moderated by Rob Way of Think Publishing, this session will provide an overview of current industry trends and best practice.  Bernard Donoghue, Director of The Association of Leading Visitor Attractions will set the scene and provide an update on consumer perceptions around visiting attractions. Luke Reilly, The View from The Shard, and Jennifer Cormack, Windermere Lake Cruises will discuss operations and marketing in a COVID-19 environment, and Alexis Peppis, Tiqets will talk about opportunities for distribution.

Event Details
Date: Wednesday 21 October 2020

Time: 15:00 – 16:00

Book your place now!

This virtual event is free and exclusively for UKinbound ATTRACTION members to attend. To secure your place, please follow the link above to register – if multiple colleagues from the same company wish to join please register each one separately to ensure they receive the correct link and joining instructions. 

An automatic confirmation will be sent out once you have registered – please ensure you check your junk. The main sessions will be recorded so if you are unable to attend please let us know and we will share the recording and presentation with you.